This is the first post to my brave new blog. I'll try to write some stuff there from time to time. Hope it will be useful for both the intended and arbitrary visitors. Also, I'd like to take advantage of the opportunity and give you some hints about myself. So...

  • Currently I live in Yekaterinburg, Russia

  • I have an equivalent of Ph.D in philosophy and work as a docent of philosophy department

  • My professional interests are in such fields as the foundations of mathematics, logic, theory of knowledge, and metaphysics

  • I'm passionate about free and open source software, I'm a Debian Developer

  • Although I'm OK with monotonous and boring work, I also like to program, so machines are involved in doing some boring stuff

  • I know some bits of Agda, Bash, C, Coq, Emacs Lisp, Haskell, Perl, Prolog, Python; and yes, I know many other geeky words too

  • Besides all of the stuff mentioned above I'm interested in genealogy and using genetics to reveal genealogical mysteries of the past

  • So, my Y-haplogroup is N1a2b (N-P43, VL97+), and my Mt-haplogroup is H1b2

  • I don't believe in psychological classifications stuff, but to make some fun of it I did several tests, and was classified as a logical intuitive introvert

  • And still there's some grains of truth in the above classification, e. g., it is typically hard for me to talk and deal face to face with strangers

  • In many activities I consider myself to be a kind of Wikipedia:WikiGnome

  • Also, I'm inspired by the beauty of nature